assortment case tower


assortment tower

case parts

and boxes

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this download includes the plans for the assortment case tower, as well as the plans for the assortment case.

also included are a range of 3d files for assortment boxes as well as the base grid.

assortment boxes included: 1x1 - 1x2 - 1x3 - 1x4 - 1x5 - 1x6 - 2x2 - 2x3 - 2x4 - 2x5 - 2x6 - 3x3 - 3x4

all boxes come with multiple variations on label placement as well as split files to print on smaller printers.

(all files larger than 220mm in one direction come in a split version)

The drawer slides I used are full extension 400mm (45mm tall) these should be the same:

These are the correct size hinges - 38mm x 24mm :

3d files included are .STL